Peter Ireland, president of the “Nature Trust”, the non-profit company who owns the Malibu Nature Preserve, a certified hiking coach, does not seem to stand still. When he is not hiking himself, he is organizing nature and yoga retreats, shows his guys which branches to cut or bridges to repair and in between he sets up weddings and parties. Which vitamins is he taking? He swears on the Elderberry trees of the property, packed with anti-oxidants and enriching his life.
While driving us up to the bluff with its breath taking ocean view, he stops to close a gate here, points out a huge bird there and slows down for a "parking" sign, which he grabs with one hand through the window: "Doesn't belong here", he smirks. 50 yards further he finds the spot and lets it plop down. Busy with the enormous property he brought multi tasking to a mastery level. It is no wonder that notes and business cards, phone lists and invoices crowd his small office; paper work is not his favorite part.
The lawns, which I had assumed to be nature-given gorgeous like the whole property, are looked after by eco-instructed gardeners who created green carpets, soft enough for brides to walk on. Some more rustic than others, the grassy areas are beautiful inside and out as they are void of fertilizers and pesticides. Wild life of all kinds can graze them without dropping dead or sick. Not that the foxes, bobcats and mountain lions would come that close, the lawns are by the human dwellings, but the deer do. They look at Peter with those beautiful wondering eyes and accept his presence at least for a while as he vibrates caring and sensitivity. They usually dash off when he moves, he’s a human after all and who can trust us? But Peter doesn’t like to hold onto things or deer, he goes with the flow, the ocean breeze and follows the natural laws of the land. That’s how he could restore the property back to health after it was abused for years by a rather rowdy equestrian center. Just recently he found three Salamanders by a little stream and they only thrive where there is prime spring water. If that isn’t amazing enough, he plans an organic garden in one of the fenced tennis courts - so that they don’t have to shush and slash away the rabbits and other critters who naturally find delight in stealing fresh goodies. Considerate? There’s more. All alu, plastic and wine bottles are recycled and a bunch of solar panels provide most of the energy necessary for the lodge type dwelling - with fire place, wooden floors and ceiling and a rustic long bar.
“Sometimes we’ll find red tail hawks arguing with wild parrots”, Peter says, “but other than that it is all about peaceful coexistence and the love for life”.
To follow:
The Preserves many locations
The Preserves Future Plans
The wedding of Candace and Josh